
Title Scripture Speaker Date Additional file
Caleb Numbers 13:26-33 2011-01-30
God's Purpose in the Wilderness Deuteronomy 8 2011-01-23
Secret of Spirit's Manifestation John 14:15-25 2011-01-16
Money Chapter 1Timothy 6 2011-01-09
What We Need to Know about Holy Spirit Acts 2:36-39 2011-01-02
Having Joy in the Word Nehemiah 8 2010-12-26
The Christmas Spirit Luke 10:25-37 2010-12-19
The Curse of Unbelief 2Kings 7 2010-12-12
Carnality - The Enemy Within 1Corinthians 3:1-10 2010-12-05
Curses in the Book of Joshua Joshua 11:15-20 2010-11-28
True Faith Matthew 7:13-29 2010-11-21
Putting Yourself in Place of Promotion Exodus 33 2010-11-14
Fearfulness, Reliability, and Commitment Luke 16:1-13 2010-11-07
The Rock of Salvation Deuteronomy 32:7-18 2010-10-31
The Work of Faith Hebrews 11:8-19 2010-10-24
Molested Miracles 2Kings 5 2010-10-17
Bitterness Hebrews 12:14-15 2010-10-10
Divine Appointments Luke 19:5 John 4:4 2010-10-03
Anti-Christ 2Thessalonians 2 2010-09-26
Numbered with the Transgressors Isaiah 53:12 2010-09-19